Sunday, September 9, 2012

Healthcare vouchers?

During the DNC Obama attacked Ryan's plan to give Seniors the option to select a voucher plan for healthcare. Conventioneers acted horrified, but at the very same time in Washington, Obama's Health and Human Services Department was launching a pilot program to shift two million poor seniors out of Medicare into private health insurance plans overseen by states.

Eighteen states have applied to participate in this program and Massachusetts has already been approved. States will be given federal funds to purchase managed-care plans for people who are either disabled or poor enough to qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid. 

Ryan's plan is very similar to this and I'm very happy to see the federal government trying something new. Ryan's plan gives all future retirees currently under the age of 55 the choice to remain on Medicare or use a voucher to purchase private healthcare.

Right now Health and Human Services isn't giving those two million poor people any choice. I hope they will get better care than I'm receiving under Medicare. I'm going on three weeks now without a diagnosis or treatment for a blown out knee. 

Either Obama was playing to his audience during the convention or he doesn't know what's going on in his own administration. 

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