Saturday, September 27, 2008

Financial Crisis 2008

At my age I have seen plenty of financial crises over the years, but the political posturing during this current crisis is more disgusting than usual. The Democrats have sunk to an all time low in demonizing Bush and his financial advisors and I have no idea what the Republicans are doing.

What do we know - bad loans were made and people defaulted - now the institutions who made the loans want to be bailed out. Do we let these financial institutions find a free market solution or hand over 700 billion dollars to buy up those bad loans, hoping to make a small profit sometime in the future?

The commercial paper market has essentially shut down in fear, but the GDP is up over last year. What would happen if Congress stayed out of the picture and let business handle their own mess? There are much wiser minds than mine and I hope that they prevail.

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