Thursday, November 21, 2013

Future of American Medicine

This week while sitting in the waiting room before my annual physical, I overheard a retired Ford Motor employee being told by a staff member that his supplemental health insurance plan would no longer be accepted by Cleveland Clinic and that Medicare might not cover all his expenses. She mentioned that he would need to speak with one of their financial planners before scheduling any appointments.

Just last week my husband had to prepay Cleveland Clinic $1200 before the doctor would perform laser surgery to correct his astigmatism in one eye. Medicare would cover the cataract surgery, but not the 30 second laser procedure.

Fortunately, we had the cash to cover it, but I couldn't help thinking that these two incidents reflect a change in the way Americans will receive medical treatment under Obamacare. Anyone who depends on Medicare as the sole source of healthcare payment knows that it covers only the most minimum care. 

Seniors have been paying $300 to $500 or more per month for supplement healthcare insurance for quite a while now. I'm wondering how many of these supplemental plans will no longer be accepted by hospitals and physicians. What's coming for seniors? No treatment unless you prepay?

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