Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sharia Law, Vampires, and Zombies - things I've been reading about this week

I read a report this past week that Gen-Xers and Millennials attend church even less than previous generations. Many consider themselves post-religious to the point of secularizing charitable aspects of religion, but removing personal responsibility or accountability. For example, it's government's role to care for the poor, the environment, healthcare, and similar social issues, not theirs. 

Many resent the imposition of God into popular culture, because they are trying very hard to live as though final judgement will never come. So keep religion, especially Christianity, to yourself, thank you very much. More Eros less Caritas, please.

Another article mentioned that as Gen-X and Yers separate the soul from the body and mind, they have embraced soulless vampires and dead zombies along with their new humanism. Follow the link above, the entire article is an interesting read and I wouldn't do justice to paraphrasing it.

My apprehension is that this is setting the stage for another religion or movement to stir the heart and fill the void. Christianity in Europe had dried up after WWII, replaced by secular Humanism. Churches were attended by mostly old ladies and very few men or young people.

Gradually Great Britain, France, and other European countries with their lower birthrate have begun to realize that immigrants from the Middle East were expanding their populations and questioning Western laws and traditions. Anyone who holds up Islam to the same scrutiny or ridicule as they do other religions faces personal attack if not death. 

For some reason unknown to me, US media, politicians, and intelligentsia seem to be playing into the hands of Islamic extremists. Christianity is ridiculed and Islam is feared. That seems to be where we stand right now. Sharia law is based on the Qur'an and the teaching of Muhammad and is an all encompassing code of behavior by which a true Muslim lives. 

There is much in Sharia law that is in direct conflict with US Constitutional law. It may seem a ridiculous leap from vampires and zombies to Sharia law, but our religious faith is the foundation of our laws. The US Constitution grew out of our religious liberties and Sharia law grew out of Islamic traditions and writings. This will be an ongoing conflict and I fear that entire generations of young Americans do not at this time have the heart or conviction to prevail.

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