Politicians of both parties continue to posture and play the class warfare game. These opposing positions will only guarantee that nothing changes.
We need to create a more favorable environment for businesses, reduce government waste, simplify the tax code, secure Social Security and Medicare for seniors, and raise more tax revenues to begin paying down our national debt.
Compromises are need:
1. Reduce highest tax rate to 25% and eliminate loopholes,
2. Eliminate income tax on the first $25,000 of wages and first $25,000 of capital gains,
3. Change tax code to a graduated tax for both wages and capital gains ranging from 10% to 25%,
4. Eliminate loopholes and gradually reduce itemized deductions and exemptions,
5. Increase employee payroll tax (FICA) for Security Security and Medicare by 1/2 percent each year for the next eight years,
(public employees in Ohio pay 9.5% off the top for retirement)
6. Create a national sales tax (excluding food, medical, and housing) until national debt is reduced.
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