My husband and I try to take in a few of the local cultural events and try new restaurants in the Cleveland area at least once or twice a month. When the weather is nice we visit areas a little further outside our comfort zone. This past year, we redecorated part of our kitchen and painted the TV room. Three more rooms are on our agenda for repainting this year. Next year the bathroom - ugh!
I volunteer two hours at our local church each week and will probably volunteer at my grandson's school when he starts attending in about a year and a half. I've offered my assistance at two other institutions, but my assistance wasn't needed - thank heavens, because I enjoy what little time I have left over to leisurely read the newspaper each morning and fill out the daily Sudoku puzzle.
Retired people never have enough time. We're finally doing all those things we put off doing during the forty-five years we were employed. That's a lot of living to do!