Tuesday, December 23, 2008
No Weeding for You
Monday, December 22, 2008
CPL's New Library Director
Monday, October 27, 2008
Voting at Home by Absentee Ballot
Yesterday we sat down with a laptop and all the newspaper articles we had been collecting and I had the best voting experience ever! It took me way over an hour to complete the ballot, but for the first time in my forty-three years of voting I felt that I had voted wisely. I was able to see the actual ballot language and recheck issues and positions online before casting my vote.
Web sites that I found useful:
Ohio Secretary of State
- Voter Services
- Candidates
- Elections & Ballot Issues
Ohio Election Central
Google – Type in Ohio Voter Information
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sarah Palin - My reflections
- Giving Congress information of the State of the Union
- Recommending to Congress necessary and expedient Measures
- Convening one or both Houses of Congress on extraordinary occasions, and in case of disagreement between them, the president may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper
- Receiving ambassadors and other public ministers
- Taking care that laws be faithfully executed, and
- Commissioning all the Officers of the United States
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What is Edamame?

My favorite new snack food is edamame, which is the name given to the soybean pod picked just before the beans inside have hardened. The pods are then parboiled and frozen for distribution. Edamame provides fiber, protein, carbohydrates, plant omega-3 fatty acids, iron, Vitamins A, C and calcium.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Swan Peak by James Lee Burke

James Lee Burke gives poetic voice to the wounded and flawed heroes of his latest novel, Swan Peak. Clete Purcel and Dave Robicheaux, seeking respite from scars Katrina inflicted upon their beloved New Orleans, are visiting a friend in northwestern Montana. They become embroiled in multiple mysteries and personal tragedies that involve a serial killer, star-crossed lovers, religious charlatans, mobsters, and surprising redemption.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Financial Crisis 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Three Presidents - Two Democrats & One Republican
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I'm Almost Pursuaded
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Invitation to Pray for the Election
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Dell netbook release this week?

Friday, August 29, 2008
Library Levy Was Highly Visible
- December 27, 2007 - Board President Bonny Cairns, Director Karen Tschudy, and Clerk/Treasurer Eileen Holloway, met with Twinsburg City School District Board of Education to let them know that the Library was planning on a levy issue for August 2008 special election.
- March 5, 2008 - Library Levy Resolution of Necessity passed by School Board - TELEVISED meeting available on TSD's website, see Link
- March 19, 2008 - Library Levy Resolution to Proceed passed by School Board - TELEVISED meeting available on TSD's website, see Link
- June 24, 2008 - Twinsburg City Council Meeting (TELEVISED) - New Library Director, Laura Leonard spoke five minutes during remonstrance period of City Council Meeting about the Library Levy.
- July 16, 2008 - Twinsburg Township Trustees Meeting - Township Agenda - Director Laura Leonard spoke on Levy during remonstrance period.
- July 17, 2008 - Meet the New Director and "Frequently Asked Questions about the Levy"
- April 3, 2008 - Twinsburg Bulletin front page headline - Library Asks for Support
- May 29, 2008 - Twinsburg Bulletin, page 2 - Library Levy on August Ballot
- June 1, 2008 - Levy information available in Library and on Library Web Page, 20 foot banner strung across Circulation Area with announcement of levy, every door in and out of Library had poster with Levy announcement
- June 9th - June 16th - Twinsburg School District Residents were mailed flier - Basic Facts About Issue 3
- June 18 - Presentation to Roary Club of Twinsburg regarding Levy by Laura Leonard
- June 19 - Twinsburg Sun article - Library Levy committee sets Dairy Queen event
- "Live at the Library" columns in Twinsburg Bulletin mentioned upcoming levy issue - June 19th, July 3rd, July 10th, July 17, and July 24th.
- June 25, 2008 - July/August Library Calendar of Events mailed to all residents containing "Dear Resident" information regarding issue 3.
- July 24 - Twinsburg Bulletin endorses Library Levy "Choosing whether library service is a 'want' or a 'need'
- July 28 - Cleveland Plain Dealer includes TPL Levy in article, "Communities turn to voters for help"
- July 31 - Twinsburg Sun endorses Library Levy in article, "Library Levy: a bargain"
- August 4 - Akron Beacon Journal lists TPL Levy in article on ballot issues
- Web page devoted to information about the Levy campaign, linked from the Library's front page
- June 25 - Dairy Queen Night for Citizens Supporting Twinsburg Public Library
- 75 yard signs distributed throughout the District
- July 20 - Blue Canyon Night for Citizens Supporting Twinsburg Public Library
- July 21 - Flier mailed out to all registered voters in the school district - Top Ten Reasons to vote YES on Issue #3, August 5
- Full page ads "Support Your Library" Vote Yes on Issue 3 August 5, which appeared in both the Sun and Bulletin
Monday, August 25, 2008
To Twitter or Blog or Both
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Are the New Mini-notebooks Practical or Just a Fad?
There’s something intriguing about the ultra small notebooks that have been or will be released this year that makes me want to buy one. They’re not much bigger than a hardback novel and some of them are available in shiny new colors. Part of the novelty is that they don’t cost much more than an iPod Touch, have Wi-Fi built-in, and nearly full-sized keyboards with a choice of Linux or Windows XP operating systems.
I bought one of the first Asus Eee PCs last year for staff members to take to meetings and conferences. I fell in love with it, but not sure that anyone else made use of it.
They’re not meant to take the place of a desktop PC or to be used for gaming or multimedia devices, but if you need to send/read email, type notes, or find something quickly on the internet anywhere you have access to Wi-Fi, then this may be the device for you.
Mini-notebooks are not that much larger than a Kindle, so I’m wondering if they could also be used as e-book readers (although they’re not being advertised as such). I restricted these liliputian notebooks to 8.9” models, although some manufacturers may have larger versions available now or in the near future.

Acer Aspire One MiniNote – 8 GB hard drive, 8.9” screen, 1.6 GHz Intel Atom N270 Processor, 512 MB RAM, Linux Lite OS - $379 or Windows XP - $399; available in white, blue, pink or brown (3G data support is being promised for future versions)

Asus Eee PC – 16 GB hard drive, 8.9” screen, Intel Mobile CPU, 1 GB RAM, Linux OS - $399 or Windows XP - $449; available in Pearl White or Galaxy Black (Amazon.com)
Dell e Mini-notebook – 4 GB hard drive, 8.9” screen, 1.6 GHz Intel Atom CPU, 512 MB RAM, Linux - $299 or Windows XP – price unknown; other options (including webcam) add to cost; sacrificed function keys to provide larger keyboard; photos show red or dark grey case; not yet available (larger hard drives will increase cost)

Lenovo IdeaPad S9 – 8 GB hard drive, 8.9” screen, Intel Atom N270 processor, 1 GB RAM, webcam, Linux or Windows XP - $418 approx. (not sure if same price for both OS); may not be available in the US until October.
There are a number of other ultra-portable notebooks that have been designed for children, but these specific models seem to be trying to appeal to adults wanting subcompact laptops. The appearance and projected price ($299) of the Dell make it a strong contender, but I'll have to wait until I read reviews by actual users. The Acer Aspire has a richer look to it than the Asus Eee PC. I remember that the Asus keyboard was very tiny and a bit clunky to use. Haven't heard if that's been improved.
Some warnings about these machines - they tend to run hot, best to place on a surface not your lap for any length of time; whatever version of Linux operating system they have available will probably work faster and more efficiently than Windows. If you must use Vista, I would recommend going with a regular sized laptop.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Library Levy Passed!

Great news! The TPL levy passed 57.68% for 42.32% against. Special thanks to levy campaign committee members, Ed Kancler, co-chair, Marilyn Beringer, treasurer, and all those who assisted us on their own time with webpage design, preparing fliers & signage, fundraising events, and placing yard signs throughout the communities. It was a pleasure working with all of you and helping to secure library funding for the next decade of this century.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is
Fundraising, grants, foundations, no matter how successful, cannot raise enough immediate funds to sustain general operations on an annual basis. The only recourse to a library administration that has already cut every line item it can without laying off staff, not buying materials that library patrons demand, or reducing library hours and services is to ask the voters to support a library levy.
The other alternative is to cut all those services and materials that local residents are flocking to public libraries to use during this economic downturn. This reminds me of the old adage of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Ohio libraries haven’t just begun dealing with a loss of revenue; they’ve been dealing with it for seven years. At the beginning of this cycle, many libraries dependent entirely on state funding froze salaries and stopped buying books and audio-visual materials.
Libraries with local levies, such as the Twinsburg Public Library, worked hard to spend both state and local tax revenues wisely. Unfortunately state support has been “slip, slip, sliding away.” Along with the warning of a projected 10% cut in the next state biennium budget, local funding will also be reduced with the local tangible personal property tax gradually being cut each year until it is gone entirely by 2018. The tangible personal property tax affects businesses only, so the average tax payer may be unaware of it.
Perhaps it all boils down to this – how much of a hardship is it to pay $3 to $5 more a month to keep our Library operating at its current level or better? As someone on a fixed income who visits the library weekly, I receive my tax support back in trade every single time I walk through those front doors. I guess that I would have to respond that it would be more of a hardship for me to lose the great resources and services our public library offers than paying the new tax, so next Tuesday I’m voting YES on issue #3.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Electing a US President in Plain English
Electing a US President in Plain English from leelefever on Vimeo.
Just Added Twitter to My Facebook page

Updating my Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and blogs is beginning to cost me a lot of time. I sat down at 8:30 this morning to update one and now it's 10:38 am. and I haven't even had breakfast. Just discovered a young blogger by the name of AJ Vaynerchuk who created a small application that will link Twitter to Facebook. It's easy to install and looks good, now just have to see how useful it will be. Follow this link to his blog.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Library Levy

As co-chair of Citizens Supporting Twinsburg Public Library, I was delighted to read the article in the metro section of the Plain Dealer today noting the good work of libraries during economic downturns. We who love and use libraries recognize the value they add to the quality of our lives. It is just great to see their contribution acknowledged in print.
Next Tuesday voters will be asked to approve a one mil levy to support our local library. This will cost home owners only $3 to $5 dollars a month that they can recoup by checking out just one book and/or DVD a year instead of buying them. Why would anyone want to pass up a bargain like that? Even if someone had all the disposable income to buy whatever they wanted, isn't it a good thing to support an institution that helps people who don't?
What will voting yes for the Twinsburg Public Library levy get you - access to a world of free entertainment and the opportunity to do something really great for your community!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
CLEVNET Has MP3 Audiobooks for iPods!

I was able to find three titles to check out for myself: Anne of Green Gables, Raise Your Social IQ, and Bloodlist. I'm not sure these would have been my first choices (slim pickings for now, as I said before), but I wanted to try out the new collection.
OverDrive's MP3 titles are compatible with most MP3 players, including Apple devices. Some, like the iPod Shuffle may be used with special considerations. Check OverDrive's website for more information.
It will be necessary to download the OverDrive Media Console 3.0 on your computer to access CLEVNET's MP3 content. The instructions also suggested that I change my iPod to manual sync rather than auto, but that didn't help. So I imported my title from the OverDrive Media Console on my PC to iTunes and then synced my 5th generation iPod without a hitch. I did have to import each of the files/parts individually. I'm not sure whether the newer iPod Touch would work differently. When my daughter returns from South Africa next month, I will try it on her iPod Touch.
If you want to burn the files to CDs, I would suggest creating a new playlist for each title first and making sure the files/parts are in numerical order before burning. If anyone has had a different experience, I would appreciate comments.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Low Carb Diets Work, So They Say

I'm not sure it's such a great idea to jump on any branded diet plan like the Atkins diet or the South Beach diet without a little bit of research. The low-carb food pyramid is obviously very different from the MyPyramid, released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) on April 19, 2005.
Good news - cutting back on carbs doesn't mean doing away with grains and veggies. It does mean avoiding starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn, and beets, and greens are the low-carb dieter's super-friend.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Making Reservations Online

Of course the old standby for locating restaurants is cleveland.com/dining located on the Plain Dealer's online site. Eateries may be found by name, type of cuisine, or location.
I wouldn't recommend using the Beacon Journal's site, because it contains a lot of errors - especially listing restaurants that haven't been around for years. Makes me wonder if they even care whether we use this site or not.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Jane Austen Summer

Jane remains at home, never marries, but ends up writing some of the most popular and lasting literature in the English language. The character Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice is supposedly based on her real life love, Thomas Lefroy.
That DVD inspired me to rewatch the BBC series based on her novels and to listen to the unabridged audiobooks available through the Twinsburg Library, Project Gutenberg, and Librivox.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Officer Down Memorial Page

This past Sunday Police Officer Joshua T. Miktarian, Twinsburg Police Department, Twinsburg, Ohio was shot and killed while conducting a traffic stop around 2 am. The community of Twinsburg mourns for the loss of this young officer, husband and father.
To leave a comment, tribute, or condolences to the family, please follow this link.
Cost of Food Today

Anyway, I was happy to find "The 20 Healthiest Foods for Under $1" link on Lifehacker just to balance out the budget a bit. It's pretty cool and it includes recipes.
Cooking for just two or one can actually be rather costly, but we've begun using DIY dinners to save on throwing out uneaten leftovers or unused pieces and parts of items that we had to buy to complete a recipe. Each dinner costs about $10 ($5/per person) and no waste. Not sure how much I'm saving, but everything gets eaten and nothing to throw out.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
National Hamburger Festival
Friday, July 11, 2008
New 3G iPhone Review
Thursday, July 10, 2008
How Am I Enjoying Retirement?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Next Week - Dr. Horrible's Released!
Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.
Monday, July 7, 2008
HBO's Unconventional Ad for New Series

Charlaine Harris, author of the Southern Vampire Series, is one of my favorite "guilty pleasure" authors and HBO is producing a show this fall called True Blood based on the series. They've come up with an intriguing PR ploy by creating ads, blogs, and fake news releases about vampires coming out of the coffin.
The ad for Tru:Blood supposedly created by the Japanese for their vampires is a "taste" of the realism they're trying for. It reminded me a bit of the fake online mythology that Heroes had available last summer for their series, but this is looking for a more gritty, realistic approach. It's fun, check it out at bloodcopy.com.
From what's been leaked, it's going to be much more graphic than the books. Perhaps that will be liked by HBO's audience, but I'm not happy about it.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Birthday Project Gutenberg

In addition to PCs, downloads are compatible with the Kindle and quite a few other mobile and handheld devices. Audio files work great on the iPod and they're free!
Scientific Applications for Google Earth

Thursday, July 3, 2008
4th of July is a pet's nightmare

Levy Campaign Video
The Library circulated over 100,000 items last month - who says people don't read or use libraries anymore!
Here's a video by the Library Director, Laura Leonard, explaining the need for the new levy. Great job, Laura!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
TPL's Steaming

I don't know if "steaming" is even a word, but Librarian Fred Baerkircher at the Twinsburg Public Library has created a Steam Group at Steamcommunity.com for local gamers to chat about, what else, gaming and to keep in touch between lan parties.
Monday, June 30, 2008
TPL Radio News

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Cleveland Museum of Art Reopened

Print out your own guide to the Cleveland Museum of Art's renovated 1916 building and take an interactive tour at Cleveland.com/cma/reopen. The virtual tour is really worth the effort.
Sir Ken Robinson - Do schools today kill creativity?
Vimeo - another video sharing place
I'm not sure whether all three episodes will be posted on Vimeo, but this trailer is. Take a look, have fun.
Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.